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​The Memorial-Historical Museum (Memorialno-istoricheskiy muzey) is one of the most attractive historic architectural buildings in Central Station Square. This is the only museum in the Southern Federal District of Russia dedicated to the events of the Russian Civil War (1917-1920).
The Museum of Local History (Oblastnoy krayevedcheskiy muzey) is a wonderful sightseeing of Volgograd located in the building constructed in the eclectic style with elements of art Nouveau. The museum is the monument of history and architecture of the late 19th – early 20th century.
​The Panorama-Museum "Stalingrad Battle" (Muzey-Panorama „Stalingradskaнa bitva“) refers to the most important museums of Russia dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad.
​The Museum of the History of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal (Muzey istorii Volgo-Donskovo sudokhodnovo kanala) is storage of unique documents about the legendary construction, builders and prospects of the grand waterworks.
The Pushkin Museum of Musical Instruments (Muzey muzykalnykh instrumentov im. E. N. Pushkina) exhibits a rare collection of musical instruments.
​The Mashkov Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts (Muzey izobrazitelnykh iskusstv im. I. I. Mashkova)​ founded in 1960 is the only one in Volgograd museum of art. Here you can find works of soviet, Russian and foreign artists: "small Dutch", artists from Italy, Germany, and France of the 17-18th centuries.
​The Museum of Entertaining Sciences of Einstein (Muzey zanimatelnykh nauk Einsteina) is the first and the only interactive museum in Volgograd.
​The Old SareptaMuseum Reserve (Staraya Sarepta) is a fascinating historical and cultural sightseeing of Volgograd. The Museum was established in 1989 based on the surviving historic settlement Sarepta founded in 1765 by immigrants from Europe – religious brotherhood of herrnhuters.