​The Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences of Einstein (Muzey zanimatelnykh nauk Einsteina) is the first and the only interactive museum in Volgograd. Hire you can see amazing exhibits that clearly explain different laws of physics, natural phenomena and optical illusions. Everyone gets an unforgettable experience from visiting this museum. This is a great opportunity to escape from everyday troubles and enjoy the magical, enchanting world of science and technology. Visitors of the museum can become the creators of a miracle of nature and technology. Here we can touch "lightning" , go inside a bubble, build the bridge without nails, make "boil" cold water, mention a snow day or egg day, lie down on the nails like a real yogi, blow up a car or be "the head of professor Dowell". "The museum of entertaining sciences of Einstein" is a scientific attraction, where you can spend your time and relax!

Tsentralny district, Prospekt Lenina, 70

Opening times: 10.00-20.00